Most Business Owners Struggle to Stay on
Top of Their Social Media Because...
They don't know where to start or how to restart
They are going it alone
They don't plan ahead and post on the fly
They burn out trying to post a lot of things at once
They struggle to stand out in a sea of posts in feeds
They haven't identified their ideal client
When you say "YES" to Tustle's Social Media Black Friday Giveaway, you'll be able to take "two weeks off" because someone else has already planned it :)
How to receive this FREE deal
Register by Monday, Nov 28
Be one of the first 5 businesses to register *must be a new client*
Recieve your confirmation email from Tustle's team for next steps
What To Expect If You Are 1 of the 5 Businesses:
Hands-on initial session to discuss your current social media goals
Customary content created & approved by you
2 Weeks Free (6 posts) of content for all your social pages
Access to Tustle's team - we're here to aid you for those two weeks
Peace of mind knowing you can plan ahead & not worry about creating content for your social pages